Devcon Security Services – Hollywood, FL Renews

Vienna,VA, June 2, 2011The Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) is appreciative toannounce that Devcon Security Services-Hollywood, FL has renewed theprestigious CSAA Five Diamond Certification.

Devcon Security Services – Hollywood, FL Renews

Devcon Security Services – Hollywood, FL Renews

This Certification testifies that 100% of their capital rank operatorshave achieved proficiency and certification by transient the CSAA Central StationOn-Line Operator Training Course These courses canopy virtually all phases ofcentral class communications with customers, jurisprudence enforcement, kindle and emergencyservices communications centers This decisive area of communications is thelife-saving fit between the residential or job properties and the lawenforcement, fire and emergency services in local areas

In order to procure the Five Diamond Certification, each and everyoperator must have not only passed the course, but demonstrated:

  • Proficiency in fear verification, which helps blunt false alarms
  • Proficiency in communications with the Public Service Answering Points, suchas the Emergency 911 centers
  • Knowledge of electronic communications equipment, including radio
  • An empathy of the codes and standards of such organizations asUnderwriters Laboratories, Factory Mutual, the National Fire ProtectionAssociation and others
  • Proficiency in the sector of emergency preparedness under a comprehensive scheme ofpossibilities.

In addition, these Five Diamond companies hold demonstrated an exceptionallyhigh refinement of burden to their local flock and their customersthrough the investment of time, financial and commitment to 100% sort operatortraining

There are approximately 2,700 important stationsin the United States, which divulge and interact with the code enforcement,fire and emergency services agencies. Of this group, fewer than one hundredfifty chief stations hold achieved the Five Diamond Certified statusThe Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) is a 61 year-old non-profit trade alliance that represents the major burglar and fire alarm important watch stations CSAA is located in Vienna, Virginia, exterior of Washington, DC

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